Our Services.
The foundation of what we offer is helping you find new markets and customers for what you sell now; develop new products using open innovation; and guide your small businesses to assess, plan, and implement improvements to your day-to-day operation.
The Market360 service is tailored for companies that find themselves in one of the following situations: 1) you have a new product, idea, or capability and want to know what markets you could sell into, or 2) you have a current product or capability that you provide and want to understand what other markets can you sell into. Market360 does NOT solve technical problems or identify new ideas. Rather it is a technology driven market intelligence process that helps clients make business decisions on moving forward with a new idea, or expanding into new markets. The output from this effort allows you to make data-driven business decisions on how to invest your internal financial resources and human capital.
A wise man once told us "In God we trust. All others bring data." This is a fundamental business practice that all successful companies adhere to.
Leading technology firms are embracing a new approach to product development: open innovation. This strategy simply means an organization doesn’t solely rely on internal knowledge and resources (such as their own R&D staff) for innovation of new products, services, etc. They also use multiple external sources such as customer feedback, published patents, universities, government agencies and labs, etc. to drive new product development. HawkEye360 will provide technology scouting services to explore outside traditional channels to find solutions for unmet product development needs. This effort ultimately results in partnerships at the individual or company level that rapidly accelerate R&D, minimizes time to market, and generates revenue sooner than typical approaches.
Yet another wise man once told us: "There are a million Ph.D.s in the world. I don't want to hire any of them, but I want them all on my team". This out-of-the-box R&D philosophy is becoming a standard with high-performing product development organizations.
Before you can begin to make improvements in your business, you need to benchmark your current state and understand how you do things well and where changes need to be made. Over the course of a day, we will interview the leaders of all functional areas in the company and ask a series of questions about how they do their jobs. Typically these groups will include Human Resources, IT, Legal, Operations, Finance, Product Development, Marketing, and Sales. Using this feedback, we'll generate a report that measures your business performance, identifies your strengths and weaknesses, and reccomend a prioritized list of actions you should take to improve your business. These actions become part of our Plan360 and Do360 services if you feel need our guidance and support.
Create a Plan to Chart a Course for Your Business
Based on our experience from the Assess process, the one common thread that most small businesses have is the lack of a written, thorough, business plan. If needed we'll facilitate the planning discussions with your leadership team over the course of eight weeks and coach your team in writing your business plan that will set the roadmap for how your business will function and the set of tactical plans necessary to implement the change and improvement needed.
What is Business Development
I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.
This is a great space to write a long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are.
Implement the Changes and Improvements from Your Plan
Kaizen is the Japanese word for "improvement". It is a concept referring to small but rapid efforts to eliminate waste and continuously improve all functions. Typically a kaizen event will involve all employees from the CEO to the front office to assembly line workers. These kaizen activities can range from workplace organization or "5S" to cross functional workflow to efficiency improvements on the shop floor. We'll work with you to develop a project charter that selects an internal sponsor or champion, defines the problem, selects the internal team who will accomplish the work, and describes what needs to be achieved. We will be with you throughout the event, facilitating the activities and coaching your team to success.